Pharmacodynamic activities cover the investigation of the biochemical and physiological effects of a drug (candidate) and the mechanisms of their actions, including the correlation of their actions and effects with their chemical structure.
The efficiency of a compound should be studied before conducting extended safety studies that incur expenses and animal usage. This minimises the risk of starting a safety programme or a trial involving humans with a compound that subsequently proves to be ineffectual. The results of these studies also determine basic conditions for the preclinical studies (dose range, route of administration, formulation).
Choosing the most appropriate animal model (animals that have been developed to model a human disease as closely as possible) is essential in order to maximise the value of our tests on the basis of similarities in anatomical/physiological properties and in drug metabolism or mode of action. Our quality rules also ensure that the results will be reliable and studies will be comparable and reproducible.
Sometimes, the relevant animal model is evident in connection with certain treatment routes or in a certain research field. Where veterinarian products are involved, these investigations should be conducted in the target animals.
In our laboratories, we can offer you our expertise in conducting special studies relating to insulin research where, due to the similarity of their carbohydrate metabolism, pigs or minipigs are widely used as relevant models in the development of new insulin products. The biological potency of a new product can be tested with glucose tolerance tests or with the clamp method.
Due to the structural and functional similarity of skin, wound healing studies can also be performed on pigs/minipigs.
Delayed wound healing can be reliably modelled in diabetic Zucker rats and db/db mice, both of which are available in the market. In these animals, type II diabetes develops spontaneously at a certain age.
For further information please feel free to start a conversation.